West Piedmont Region
Upcoming Events

CLEO Meeting

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Events - Wednesday, July 31

The Power of LinkedIn (Workshop)3

July 31, 2019
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

How can LinkedIn help you in your journey to find meaningful employment? Come to this FREE workshop at the Martinsville Center to learn more! 

Resume Builder Sessions4

July 31, 2019
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

A good resume can be a key factor to landing your dream job. Stop by for these FREE weekly sessions and get hands-on help as you build your resume! 

Page Links
  1. https://www.vcwwestpiedmont.com/events/day/date/2019-7-24
  2. https://www.vcwwestpiedmont.com/events/day/date/2019-8-7
  3. https://www.vcwwestpiedmont.com/event/2019-07-31-2-00/the-power-of-linkedin-workshop
  4. https://www.vcwwestpiedmont.com/event/2019-07-31-2-00/resume-builder-sessions