Standing Committees
Meetings and Activities
The Virginia Career Works West Piedmont Region (VCWWPR) uses an active committee structure that provides systematic processes to set policies, fashion strategies, foster interagency coordination, and oversees the implementation of comprehensive strategic and operational plans for economic and human resource development.
The VCWWPR has five standing committees:
- Executive Committee
- Business Engagement
- Quality Assurance
- Special Populations
- Youth Committee
Learn more about standing committee jobs. In addition to his or her membership on the Board, each VCWWPR member also serves on one standing committee. Committees are scheduled to meet quarterly and adjust their schedule to meet their needs. From time to time, additional committee meetings may be scheduled to accommodate pressing business needs. Meetings are approximately one and one-half hours in length. All items go through the appropriate standing committee before passing to the Executive Committee and the full VCWWPR.
All Committee Meetings are open to the public. If any VCWWPR member has an interest in a specific issue and wishes to address it, effort should be made to do so while the issue is still at the committee level. The general public may be afforded the opportunity to be heard at each meeting, at a time designated by the chairperson.
The West Piedmont Workforce Development Board funds and monitors the region's four Virginia Workforce Centers and numerous employment services and training programs for employers, jobseekers and the youth.
The West Piedmont Workforce Development Board and sub-recipients are equal opportunity employers/programs. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Primary source of funding is from the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration.