EO Documents

Document Accessibility Notice:

Hard copy documents are available for those unable to access or view the downloadable files on this website. To request these documents, please contact the Board office by telephone at 276-656-6190, or by mail at:

West Piedmont Workforce Development Board

300 Franklin Street, Suite 241

Martinsville, VA 24112


EO Documents/Documentos de Igualidad de Oportunidad

EO & Nondiscrimination Policy2

EO is the Law 3

La Igualidad De Oportunidad Es La Ley4

Know Your Rights 5

Conozca sus Derechos6

EO Babel Notice 7

Complaint Form8

Formulario de Quejas9


Stevens Amendment 

YouthBuild - West Piedmont YouthBuild is a $1,875,000 YouthBuild project. $1,500,000 (75%) is provided through a Federal grant from the United States Department of Labor – Employment and Training Administration. $375,000 (25%) is provided through other sources, including state and local funds. The WP Workforce Development Board is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary Aids and Services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.



Si necesita ayuda o desea obtener más información en español, comuníquese con Jael Rosas por telefono al 276-790-9841 o por correo electronico a jael@vcwwestpiedmont.org.


Page Links
  1. https://www.vcwwestpiedmont.com/about
  2. https://www.vcwwestpiedmont.com/content/vcwwestpiedmont/uploads/eo_nondiscrimination_policy.pdf
  3. https://www.vcwwestpiedmont.com/content/vcwwestpiedmont/uploads/24eo_notice_wioa_english__1_.pdf
  4. https://www.vcwwestpiedmont.com/content/vcwwestpiedmont/uploads/24eo_notice_wioa_spanish__1_.pdf
  5. https://www.vcwwestpiedmont.com/content/vcwwestpiedmont/uploads/22-088_eeoc_knowyourrights_10_20.pdf
  6. https://www.vcwwestpiedmont.com/content/vcwwestpiedmont/uploads/22-088_eeoc_knowyourrightssp_10_20.pdf
  7. https://www.vcwwestpiedmont.com/content/vcwwestpiedmont/uploads/eo-babel-notice.docx
  8. https://www.vcwwestpiedmont.com/content/vcwwestpiedmont/uploads/complaint_information_form_revised_2021__1___2___1___1_.docx
  9. https://www.vcwwestpiedmont.com/content/vcwwestpiedmont/uploads/complaint_information_form_spanish_revised_2021__1___1_.docx